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Showing posts from March, 2015

Give and Take

What happens to teenager this day? What happens to Indonesian culture about polite, manner, and grace? It's so pathethic that now we rarely see it in our life. Let's take the easiest samples: 1. Menyela pembicaraan orang. 2. Make fun, laugh, yawn, stared hatefully toward the elders (it can be your lecturer or even your parent). 3. Being ignorance, arrogant. 4. This may be the simpliest sample of all... keluar / masuk ruangan tanpa ijin, main kabur,padahal sebenarnya bisa ijin dulu. etc. Some of the examples above are actually based on my observation in actual life. But then the question is: Can we live without polite, manner, and grace? Sekarang coba kalau dibalik. Kita jadi orang yang mendapatkan perlakuan yang tidak sopan. You feel uncomfortable, angry, sad, and insecure, don't you? Is that good? How can we have polite, manner, and grace? Well, I'm kind of person that believe in "Give and Take". Give and take is actually hands that help each oth...