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Showing posts from January, 2017

-The Lost Moment-

Alone I walked in To the place I'd ever been Once I was a stranger But then my heart said, "I wonder..." To the place filled with bond Here I was alone There I stucked Then I whispered, "I am wonderstruck" My first glaze Making my heart blazed Wondering why I got hypnotized My first stare Making my stomach a little bizarre Asking why I was so on fire Finally I realized, It was because of you. You, the kind of person that I'd never ever ever forget. You, the kind of person that's making me wonder. You, the kind of person I'd wish never lost the moment with. The new kid fell, To the other new kid once they were

Maaf, Tolong, dan Terima Kasih

Orang hebat ini... Orang hebat itu... Terlalu banyak "pengertian" tentang orang hebat. Tapi, apakah sebenarnya kita tahu siapakah orang hebat itu? Orang hebat adalah orang yang mengerti kapan dia harus mengucapkan "Tolong", "Maaf", dan "Terima Kasih." Kalau kalian bisa mengucapkan ketika kata sakti tersebut dengan lapang dada, selamat! Artinya secara tidak langsung kalian berhasil mengalahkan ego kalian. Siapapun kalian, berapapun usia kalian... Kalian adalah orang hebat. Sayangnya, banyak remaja yang tidak ingat untuk mengucapkan kata-kata tersebut. Lucu ketika saya sangat membenci orang-orang lupa mengatakannya, namun di satu sisi saya masih lupa mengatakannya juga, terkadang. Padahal, kata-kata tersebut mampu menunjukkan harga diri, martabat, pendidikan, sopan-santun, dan mungkin dapat memberikan penilaian untuk kedua orang tua kita. Tolong, M aaf, dan Terima Kasih tidak mengenal usia, jabatan, jenis kelamin,...

Dear Both

Who knows what will happen in the future, people said. I didn't expect this kind of friendship, and this is too good to be true. Both of you are my kind of type of friends, that I'm longing since the first step in the college. I mean, I am hard to feel comfortable and I have trust issue (seriously, walaupun terlihat banyak cerita ini-itu, I keep so many secrets, actually), but since I know both of you... I am starting to be myself again, my whole body and spirit come to life, as I can freely laugh, sometimes we're lazy as a pig, as clever as an ant, sooo... I am really blessed. As if, we know how to be happy as long as we keep the etika and sopan santun though we mock, a lot. Our first introduction was when we got the same PA for the semester. Unexpectedly and unplanned, we suddenily decided to be in the same class everyday. Somehow, our PDKT works out!! We surely don't have a lot of memories in 2016, we barely close, but we had the most precious mem...