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Dear Both

Who knows what will happen in the future, people said. I didn't expect this kind of friendship, and this is too good to be true. Both of you are my kind of type of friends, that I'm longing since the first step in the college.

I mean, I am hard to feel comfortable and I have trust issue (seriously, walaupun terlihat banyak cerita ini-itu, I keep so many secrets, actually), but since I know both of you... I am starting to be myself again, my whole body and spirit come to life, as I can freely laugh, sometimes we're lazy as a pig, as clever as an ant, sooo... I am really blessed. As if, we know how to be happy as long as we keep the etika and sopan santun though we mock, a lot.

Our first introduction was when we got the same PA for the semester. Unexpectedly and unplanned, we suddenily decided to be in the same class everyday. Somehow, our PDKT works out!! We surely don't have a lot of memories in 2016, we barely close, but we had the most precious memories, aren't we? Starting from the first group project that we had, then ending by having a nyeleneh talk in the group.

I have a lot of friends in the college, soooo soooo many. But, slowly, as the time goes by, only 3 people that I proudly declare as my best friends. You, you, and someone from the other class (I've wrote about it before).

Seriously, I am the kind of girl that once I trust someone, that someone will have my loyalty and sincerity. I mean, sometimes, perhaps I looked over care, too nice (people said), and being lebay about tiny details, but that's how I show my love. Perhaps, I need to change myself a little bit so you guys won't feel uncomfortable. I reaaaaally hope that both of you won't betray my trust as I am trying to keep your trust.

I don't care what anyone else will think of me when I am with both of you, because I know both of you know me better than those people. It's good to know that there are good people in the mean and cruel world. Let us find our peace, so...

Dear both, you have my back. I will try my best to always cheer you up when you're down, to be prepared for a shoulder to cry on, to make a savage revenge to the one who hurts you (I won't actually, but we need a little sarcasm here)

Thank you for being there, I really wish our friendship won't end. As long as I could make both of you happy I would be the happiest girl on earth.

I am proud,
I am happy,
I am blessed,
I am over joy,
to have both of you as my best friend.

Once again, thank you.

Let me present my first 2017 post, to you, my dear friends.


(note: maaf agak menjijijkan di malam tahun baru ini, I can't help it... and the friendship between iCarly and Hannah Montana really describe us well, lol)

photo source: google & tumblr


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