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Renungan Malam

I've failed a lot.
I've fell, many.

Tonight everything seems so blue. Oh God, can I just be happy for once? I'm counting my blessing... but something's wrong. What happen with me? It feels like my heart is falling apart into million pieces.

How many times I've failed in love? Well, it's the second. I think. Perhaps. The first is the one that I've wrote long time ago, the one that haunted my junior high school. The second is... right now? LOL. I don't even know why I write this. This is soooooooo cheesy and soooo boring to write.

No, I won't write about my sadness.

No, I won't write about him.

No, I won't be that girl.

What I wanna say is... about LOVE.

Have you heard about that word? One simple word, that easy to say, hard to do, and has lots of meanings. Love isn't just a feeling between a woman and a man. Actually, we are surrounded by love. Though it's between a human and his/her pet, a bond between parents and their child, and many more.

How do you define love?

No one could answer this.

Maybe, just maybe. Love is something that's so surreal, butterflies in your stomach, something that makes you wish upon a star, something that makes you pray to God, something that can makes you happy and sad in the same time.

Sometimes, we have to keep the Love. We have to keep it deep in the bottom of our heart. No one could live without a love, even the mafias. But, do you know how to love someone / something?

To love someone / something, we have to let it be, let it flow, and let it go. Let it leads you, don't take any rush. Keep it slow, make it bittersweet. When you love someone / something, you'll let them choose. When you love someone, you'll be happy for them even it makes you cry.

When everything's breaking....
Cry. As long as it could be.
Scream. To the atmosphere.
Laugh. Before it's forbidden.

When you failed, it means that God loves you. Trust Him. He'll give you the better one for the future. Keep praying, keep your hopes, keep the faith. He listens to our prayer. It's normal to feel like you're at the lowest part of everything. But, when the time's ready... Love will come to you, unexpectedly, unconditionally, perfectly. When the time's ready, brace your self. Chin up.

Dear Girls,
Before loving a boy please remember one thing. You're surrounded by the people who loves you. The one that accept your appearance whether it's good or bad. The people are... your family, and your friends. Love them first before the boy. When you love a boy, it means that you have to be prepared to be broken. To be strong.

Well, I'm not interesting to love someone (re: boy). I'm not ready for it. I'm too young to be sad, I'm totally unprepared for it. I'm not a GIRL, yet a WOMAN. But I'm a YOUNG LADY. We (women) are born with beauty. We have to keep that beauty from the inside and outside. We have to be independent. It's the era of Girl Power.

Dear Boys,
Shut up with that bullshits. We (women) are too smart to believe in your sweet words.


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