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Showing posts from January, 2018


If we were real, Would you feel any bless? Would you give us the chance? Would you stay when I ask? If we were real, Could I feel jealous of the other girl? Could I smile everytime you call? Could I ask you to feel the way I feel? Because if we were real, I would always keep you safe. I would keep you by my side. I would miss to hug you tight. I would make you smile and laugh. Because if we were real, It is like a dream come true. To have someone as strong as I am by my side. To have someone smarter than I am. To have someone braver than I am. Because if we were real, It is like having two alphas become one. United as a double power. United as a one true pairing. United as a one heart.

Teruntuk Mereka

Untuk Bagas dan Sofyan, *** Aku memang hanya anak kota. Dibesarkan di antara gedung tak bermuara. Dikelilingi hiruk pikuk yang membuat sengsara. Jarang sepi dan dipenuhi suara. Sulit tatap rembulan di malam. Hingga sinar jingga matahari terbenam. Bersua dengan bintang pun tak bisa hingga tenggelam. Anak gedung, itu kata mereka. Benar, karena hanya dikelilingi pualam dan kaca. Katanya, sulit untuk merasa peka. Dengan kondisi sekitar nun membuat buta. Aku memang anak kota, Terlalu dimanja dan ditunjang hidupnya. Mudah bepergian dan berkelana. Dan terkadang egois dan pelupa. Bahwa sebenarnya kita hanyalah manusia. Seonggok daging bernyawa, Bukankah itu adalah kita? Ironis bagaimana hidup itu punya kelas. Disaat yang satu bekerja, yang lainnya tidur pulas. Disaat yang satu berdagang, yang lainnya berada di kelas. Disaat yang satu ingin belajar, yang lainnya merasa malas. Anak kota mungkin memang penuh dosa. ...

Art (part n)

The night is becoming my enemy right now. It is collided between what I feel deep in the heart and what I think deep in the mind. I do live in world that is no fairytale exist. Pathethic. Human lives by expecting on someone else, thus they expect too high. When she / he can not be something or someone they wished to be, they get mad. You will be nagged every single hours, hearing those non stop harsh words. Are we wrong for being here? To live in this same world and to breathe the same air? Deep in the mind, I hate to live in this world. I hate to grow up. I hate to have a lot of responsibilities. I just want to be kids again. To play all day long until you run out of air, and just ignore the adults words without getting worry. But in the other side, Lately for the past 6 months, I have found a new inspiration. Of someone that I don't brave to say out loud. Of someone that easily slips to become the new art. He is the most beautiful art, a thing that easily distract me from hi...

A Pillowtalk

Everyone said that love hurts. Well it is... if you expect more to someone. But actually, love is great. To feel love and being loved are two greatest thing in the world. Let love grows, Slowly and deeper, Until you really fall in love. Love until you are ready to fall. To feel how much it hurts if love over control your life. You are mature if you know the reality of love. It is not something that you can buy. It is something that you can not even express. It is something to help you grow. It is something to teach you that you can ask someone to love you back. Love, Is something that you should do sincerely. Without any intention to get what you want. Love, Is something that you should do everyday. To see the smile of your loved ones. Do not ask someone to love you back, Just give it all yours, And they will love you eventually. If they did not, Do not try to forget them. Keep the love, ...

Welcome 20!

Now I am finally 20. Well my birthday was on last month actually, but I haven't got a time to write about my post birthday here. So... How it feels to be 20? Honestly, it is nothing. Ironically, you feel old yet you are still young. I think now I know my inner peace, how to keep myself sane and steady. It is crazy to remember that last year, when I was 19, I did so many amazing journeys. I made friends and I keep friends. And day by day I know that I already have a love that I always wanted. Surrounded by them who stay in my side, and by the new people who I adore.

A Reminder

The spring will come out soon. The snow will melt and the sun will shine brightly. The birds will fly high to the skies while the butterflies will make the flowers bloom. Another day has gone and the time passed fastly. Too fast that you can not even enjoy your life for a while. And here I am, stuck in a never ending cycle. As a 3rd year student who is very exhausted about college. But to be honest, This place is where I am supposed to be. I am loved. Surrounded by the people who loves me as my self. Yes, I may have some haters who envy me or talk behind my back. But... who cares? Once again, I am loved. Life is too precious to feel bad over something that you can not even change no matter how hard you try. Accept yourself. Breathe the fresh air. Fill your mind with happiness. Let the sorrow disappear. Do your hobbies though people said that you are bad at it. Sing out loud until your voice crack a little. Play the guitar with your soul and may the string breaks. ...

Lust but Not Lost in Love

Di awal tahun ini, rasanya menyenangkan untuk membahas tentang cinta. Duh, bosan juga sih sebenarnya membahas hal yang sangat cheesy gini. Sebenarnya alurnya sama aja. Jatuh cinta, menjadi budak cinta, lalu sakit hati. Semua prosesnya akan selalu menjadi seperti itu. Terkecuali bagi Cleopatra yang alurnya berhenti di budak cinta karena rela bunuh diri untuk Marc Anthony, mungkin. Juga bagi Romeo dan Juliet yang meninggal karena termakan isu. Cinta. Satu kata yang rasanya aneh dan sulit untuk diungkapkan. Bisa menjadi kembang api di detik pertama, namun bisa juga menjadi gempa bumi di detik berikutnya. Bisa menyebabkan debaran jantung yang tidak terduga, namun bisa juga rasanya seperti dicabik-cabik. Bisa menjadikan diri selayaknya terbang ke angkasa, namun bisa juga tiba-tiba terhempas ke tanah. Jatuh cinta itu datangnya tidak terduga, tanpa diminta, terjadi begitu saja, tanpa perlu alasan, dan mempunyai banyak resiko. Serius deh, ini bukan tulisan yang mengandung...

Anak-anak, Muda, Tua, Dewasa

Kadang, ingin rasanya tinggal di Neverland. Menjadi anak-anak bersama Peterpan, Wendy, dan The Lost Boys. Hidup tanpa beban dan tanggung jawab yang dipikul. Iya, menjadi anak-anak itu memang menyenangkan. Keluguan yang selalu menampilkan wajah ceria, tidak mengerti tentang masalah percintaan, keluarga, pekerjaan, ataupun pertemanan. Seiring bertambahnya usia dan berkembangnya pikiran, perlahan keluguan itu mulai menghilang. Sepertinya, semuanya dimulai saat masa pubertas. Ketika anak-anak perlahan berubah menjadi dewasa yaitu, manusia sesungguhnya. Makhluk yang katanya harus hidup bersosial, tapi ternyata malah menjadi individual. Maksudnya di sini adalah, mencari berbagai macam cara untuk kepentingan pribadinya sendiri. Rela menyikut kawan dan mengubahnya menjadi lawan. Rela membunuh demi mendapatkan pengakuan, harta, ataupun jabatan. Sebaik-baiknya seseorang, dia tetaplah manusia yang melakukan dosa. Kenyataannya, toh manusia itu memang kejam. Bahkan si penulis yang sedang menulis i...