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Because I'm Happy

I am always stand out in the crowd. Not just because the fact that I'm a tall girl but I'm also quirky. I mean there must be a statement in my clothes, whether it's a pair of boots or it's a huge bangle. Because of my appearance, I am easily known and remembered.

Btw, mostly I'm such an outcast in the crowd, well not THAT outcast. But I think it's rarely I meet someone who looked like me and understand me well. Most people don't know my style of music, my hobby, my clothe, and my muses. And I think that is why I prefer to be alone or with 1 fellow than in a bunch of people. I'd love having my me time that no one could get comfortable with.

What's wrong of going to the mall all by your self? Or going to the concert alone? Or watching movie alone? Or jogging alone? Or spending time in the national library or in the bookstore alone? Or going to the market alone?

What's wrong of doing those things that simply make you happy?

Basically and shallowly people think that I can't befriends and arrogant and... Pathethic.

But I'm not feeling any of it and I'm not like that.

I'm better doing my 'things' alone and enjoy it alone rather than feeling uncomfortable by having someone who's uncomfortable to be with me, so... Yeah, mostly I'm such an individualistic person.

And I love doing it all by myself.... As long as I think that I can do it.

Trust me, if I needed a help or a friend then I will easily ask.


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