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You, Yourself, and Art

To me, art is something that you can feel. A something.... That is too iridescent yet simply make you happy. Art is life, no one could live without it.

Art is supposed to be quirky, a differentiator from anything else.

Now, let me ask:
What makes you an art?

Huh, seems like a simple question to be answered.

Now, let me tell you:
The way you touched your hair...
The little smile that you gave to me...
The lovable laugh that I adore...
The way you mad at me for unreasonable things...
The humble sharp gaze of yours...
The silly things that you did...
The way you teased me for the routine...
The charismatic leader in you...
The scent of yours that I remember...

Every inch of you is... Art.

I can make a long list of you as an art but I know even a thousand list won't be enough. You are something that I can't explain beautifully. Yes, art isn't supposed to be THAT beautiful, but you are the most beautiful art that I've ever met.

You are THE art itself.

Unfortunately, art is about freedom and freedom means something that  everyone fights for. That means... Art can't be owned. Though I have that tendency to keep you safe by my side, I know your saftest place isn't belong to me. It belongs... to you and your freedom.

This is not my farewell, because I know I won't be able to hide things from you. The only thing that I can do is watching and adoring you from here.

So, live your life to the fullest. Don't be afraid of getting lost, because I can show you the way home. I'm always here, though you're too busy to notice me that I'm one of your admirer, dear beautiful art.

Now, I shall say:
You know where to find me, don't you?


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