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Carpe Diem

I was depressed. As if the world, my world, was ruined and crumbled. Alone, I was standing in the crowd. I have lost.

People said that I was too nice to everyone and eventually I was the one who being hurt. How foolish and naive I was. I should stop thinking to please everyone, because not every people accept and like you for the way you are. World is mean, people is cruel, reality hurts.

I was hoping to go far far far far away, escaping the world just for a while.

Then, God granted my wish. I was gone for a few days.

But first, I was a little dramtic by turning off every social medias that I have, including Instagram, Twitter, Line, etc. If you notice this then you couldn't find my name because I replaced it with "-". The only social media that I used back then was Whatsapp (I am now realized that I shouldn't use my social medias too much because they could hurt you like hell. Social medias only upset you, seriously)

I left my social media and then I was escaping my world, the reality, for a while. And it was good. It was like being in a therapy to heal your mental issue, to make everything back to normal like the way it used to be.

People are annoying, they're gossiping, judging, and talking behind your back. Yeah, some people were born to be fake. I was like going to yelled at them....

And I'm glad that I did turn off the social medias. It was one of the therapy. I am not doing this anymore...

Even I got my skin tanned, asthma, nose bleeding, fever, everything was worth it. The memories, the people, the places are irreplaceable.

I am now back as the whole Nita Indra Saphira, the tall girl with a bubbly and iridescent personality, a new book that ready to be filled with, I am now healed.

Last but not least, to facing the mean-cruel-annoying world with fake people,
I should say...


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