I think tonight it's the perfect time to talk about... dream, passion, and soul. As a teenage girl, it's normal to be wishy-washy isn't it? When I was just a little girl I ask my mother what will I be Will I be pretty, will I be rich? Here's what she said to me: "Que sera, sera.. whatever will be, will be..." I bet y'all know this song. A song that my mom and I used to sing. Since I was a little, kalo ada yang nanya, "Mau jadi apa?" Jawabannya... "Designer!" A fashion designer, I mean. They, especially my Mom, doubt in me. They doubt of my dream. But somehow, I believe in it. Be a fashion designer is my dream, my passion, and my soul. I wanna failed in it, and I wanna raised from it. These are some Indonesian designer that I adore: 1. Harry Darsono. OMG. Dikenal dari stylenya yang adi busana. 2. Tex Saverio. Known as the Alexander McQueen-nya Indonesia. 3. Rafi Ridwan. He proves that every human has talent behind our im...
Brain. Beauty. Behavior.