You can not change the past, you can only forgive it and moving on. The only thing you can do is set your future. Making peace with yourself is the hardest thing to do because your enemy is upon you. I just learned these words by now. It's funny when you struggle with yourself, it could be more depressive than struggle with anyone else. The struggle brings a mental disorder, that leads to a serious disease. For me, the case is asthma. Depressive mode, animal fur, dust are triggers for me. This time it was because of the depressive mode. Yes, unfortunately I just learned that lately I was so depressed. I have no one to tell, even my parents. I don't want them to be sad hearing my stories. I would not tell my friends, because the problem is mine not theirs. I need to make peace with myself, my inner soul. I need to learn to forgive my past and start moving on. I need to cut off some people because their presence is a trigger for me. Let live with peace upon us. Love, Nita ...
Brain. Beauty. Behavior.