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This morning will be as gloomy as the night. I was going to bed around 11 p.m. but I couldn't sleep well. I kept waking up and listened about the rain drops all night long.

"There will be the sun after the storm," I kept repeating that to myself so I could go back to sleep.

As I woke up at 5 a.m. to take a prayer, I looked to the terrace as the water keep increasing to the stair. My car was still there, safe. But the things were my dogs, my home, my plants, and my stuffs. I kept my prayer to Allah, wishing the rain will bring us luck not a disaster.

Before moving to Bendungan Hilir, I used to live in a pretty house in Duren Sawit. I only remember some of the blurry memories, it was like a puzzle to me. I was too young there. Because our home was robed, we built a house in Bendungan Hilir and moved in. Now, my home is located at Bendungan Hilir, Jakarta Pusat. It is really strategic place, because it is near to the Sudirman street, SCBD, Kuningan, two train stations, huge buildings, and not too far away from Bunderan H. I. or Monas.

My home is surrounded by rare trees, plenty of dogs, my grandma's house, and my uncle's. Our land has been there since my mum was still in high school, whis is around at the end of 60s or 70s. We could say that my grandma is the elder in here, lol, because every Bendungan Hilir's REAL people know her and greet her with, "Ibu Sepuh." My mum, my aunts, and my uncles are also known in here. My mum, she's known as "Mrs. Indra" as she used to teach English in her spare time. My last uncle (that no longer live in Bendungan Hilir), from the story that I heard, I could say that he has some of..... "kaki tangan" because I think he's more insane than any other Preman in here, because well... even the Premans are scared of him. The point is, our family is well known in here.

As I said before, our yard is full of rare trees. You won't find coconut trees, sukun trees, mango trees, belimbing sayur trees, guava trees, kamboja, bougenvill, and any other trees that located in one place in Jakarta.

My grandma and my mum love to tell me their past stories. About the land across our land, known as Karet by now, was actually a grave yard before it is renovated as a local houses now. Our land that used to be full of sun flowers, it is now replaced as my house. Also about my grandpa's farewell ceremony by the Angkatan Udara when he passed away in 96. I heard about how green and how beautiful our yard was, before Jakarta's 5 years flooding.

Long ago, our yard (well I guess it was not just my yard, but every corner in Jakarta) was safe enough from the flood, because there were no trashes that stucked on the river. Jakarta used to be clean as well, not like the Jakarta that we know now. Unfortunately, at the end of 90s, Bendungan Hilir got in a list of Jakarta's 5 years flooding.

It is not that I don't want to move, but my heart is falling in love with Bendungan Hilir. I love my home, I love its strategic location. As far as I remember, since I moved to Bendungan Hilir, my home is always got flooded in every 5 years. If I need to admit, I really hate it soooo much. Back to when I was in 4th grade, then when I was in middle school, to my high school, and now when I am in college. We used to love renovate the home by repainting it, redecorating it, but now... since I only live with my mum, I think it's not as important as any other thing, because we rarely at the home.

Right now, this second, the raindrops keep falling as our home gets colder than ever (a plus thing beside its strategic location, my home has a reaaaally comfortable atmosphere, I don't need to turn on the AC as much as other people needs). The yard that filled by the water makes it look like the Amazon, seriously. It used to get in the house too, but hopefully this year it will be just at the yard. I know how stress it could be when the house is also get flooded, seriously. When I was in high school (banjirnya adalah banjir terparah dr yang selama ini dialami), my cupboard fell and I lost every collections that I collect since in elementary school such watches, novels, pencil cases, bags, collection figures. It all lost in a blink of eyes. It is not good to keep not so important stuffs if it got wet by the flood, because it will be full of germs, and karena air banjir itu sangat kotor dari berbagai macam campuran air, bisa merusak berbagai jenis benda. My heart was broken to pieces, as it cried in silence.

My dogs, what shall I do with them? They're now somewhere in the high place on the yard, finding a safe place for them and their puppies. I trust them because they have their animal instinct. (My mum tried to save them earlier by putting them in my terrace, but they didn't want to so they went somewhere). Please, Allah, let my dogs be safed, warm them.

I don't want to remember the past memories again, I wish it won't be repeated today. Please, Allah, protect us from any other harm and disaster.


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