Somehow, I think of Audrey Hepburn.
Seneeeeng banget ngeliat dia, anggun, cantik, dan down to earth banget. She knows how to be a lady, seriously. From the way she smile, talk, act, everything's so flawless. Audrey Hepburn taught us to be like that.
From the way I think... a woman should be:
1. Respect her self
We shouldn't laugh yang out of control. Itu nggak sopan banget, and we'll lost our grace. Bukan harus menjadi jaim juga, tetapi tau batasannya. Baju jangan pakai yang aneh-aneh, kucing nggak akan makan kalau nggak dikasih ikan. Tingkat asusila terhadap wanita bisa diminimalisir dengan cara ini.
Have your pride, be grace.
2. Having an intellectual
Intelektual bukan hanya semata-mata kecerdasan. Nggak harus selalu juara satu, dan menjadi juara umum. Orang cerdas belum tentu memiliki intelektual. Intelektual juga berhubungan dengan terpelajar, maksudnya tahu tentang tata-krama, etika, dan norma.
Dear girls,
dumb is never cute.
3. Let your inner beauty comes out
Being beautiful isn't about lipstick, eyeliner, mascara. A true beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul. So what's the use of make-up if you have bad soul? Sampah akan selalu tercium walaupun ditutupin pake parfum. So, let's improve our self, perbaiki dulu jiwa kita and let them see our true beauty.
4. Speak up and be heard
Have you heard about Girl Power? We have our rights, we deserved more, we deserved to be heard.
Last but not least,
Isn't that adorable if Audrey Hepburn, Julie Andrews, and Margaret Thatcher ada di satu sosok yang sama? Mereka semua sama-sama pintar, cantik, tegas, disiplin, yet so grace.
Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man, work like a boss.
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