Jakarta. A crowded city in Indonesia, a hometown of mine, traffic issues everywhere, surrounded by skyscrapers, night life, urban life, crimes everywhere, and also... poverty. So ironic.
As the capital city of this developing country, I think the people of Jakarta should have more discipline in their activities.
1. Respect time because it has the same value as money as well.
No one can't resist that our simple excuse for coming late such as, "macet."
And also.. many people love wasting their valuable time for unnecessary things, hanging around places without any goal.
I used to live like those examples (coming late, and wasting time) but the more I grow.. I'm always trying to respect time. By doing that, I can be more productive without feeling overwhelmed and I can save my expenses.
So, I suggest you to have a monthly / weekly / daily planner to control your life and you can live to the fullest by doing necessary things that you love, or that you responsible of.
2. Try to use public transportation.
Well, I know our public transportation is so alarming so we'd rather use personal transportation. Well, I also know that tingkat kejaiman dan ego orang Jakarta itu besar, jadinya malu untuk naik angkutan umum. Orang Jakarta yang mempunyai mobil / motor lebih memilih untuk bepergian dengan kendaraan mereka sendiri karena tidak mau berdesakan, berkeringat, dan kepanasan. The folks are also too lazy to walk from one place to another one.
The ironic thing is, traffic issues highlighted this city caused by the using of personal transportation, and people coming late, and eventually we breathe more carbon monoxide than oxygen.
How can we awake the folks to realize this situation? Tidak semua angkutan umum itu keadaannya memprihatinkan, kok.
3. Budayakan antri.
Well, the serious problem among all. Menyela antrian orang lain adalah hal primitif dan tidak beretika sama sekali. Why can't people be more patient, huh?
Still, living in this crowded city is not a guarantee to be happy. A crowded place usually makes us feel alone, am I right?
Ps: tonight's playlist will be Jakarta Ramai by Maudy Ayunda.
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