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Train Talk on the Rainy Fasting Day

"Don't talk with strangers" is a familiar words that my Mom said.

But I think I'm just too naughty to obey that rule. I love talking with strangers, actually. Tapi liat-liat stranger nya kaya gimana yaa.. My Mom raised me that everyone has a kind soul right in ther deepest heart. Sesangarnya preman, dia masih punya hati nurani. My Mom said that God never creates a bad guy, yang menjadikan mereka jahat itu ya devil. And yes, though personally I think it's just too naive... I'm living my world like that.

Somehow, talking with any kind of strangers is a pleasure to me. Bisa mengenal dunia dari yang paling bawah hingga ke yang paling atas, dan dari situ gue bisa bersyukur atas jalan hidup gue. (Di dalam blog ini sering kan gue bertanya-tanya tentang diri gue sendiri, nasib gue, dan tujuan gue hidup apa. So galau content blog ini, yes).

And this time, at the first day of fasting.. 6 Juni 2016, like about 4 p.m.-ish, I talked with a nice old man on my way home by train. I didn't talk to him, he was the one who greeted me first.

It started with a shallow talk like, "Wah, saya di recommend buat pake L****o sama teman-teman saya. Pakai S*****g nggak enak buat bisnis."

And our long conversation started here. Not just about cellphone, but about life...

"Kamu rumahnya dimana?" He asked me.

"Di Bendungan Hilir, Pak."

"Naik kereta sampe mana?"


"Lho, bukannya enakan dari Palmerah, ya?"

"Nggak, Pak. Kalo di Palmerah saya harus transit dulu di Tanah Abang (which is too crowded kalo jam segitu), walaupun emang jaraknya jadi lebih dekat ke rumah," I answered him politely. "Bapak ke arah mana?"

"Oh, saya ke Bintaro. Lebih suka naik kereta sekarang, berangkat-pulang kantor lebih fleksibel. Dulu kalau bawa mobil sendiri harus berangkatnya dari jam setengah 6 pagi."

And we talked about rute-rute kereta...

"Kamu tinggi juga, ya. Berapa tingginya? 170...?" He asked me.

"175," I said.

"Whoa, tingginya. Kamu masih kuliah, kan? Kuliah di mana?"

"Trilogi.. dulu namanya STEKPI," I answered him and we talked a lot about Trilogi. From its history to the present time...

"Kamu asal mana? Jakarta?"

"Bukan, Solo, Pak.."


Beliau ketawa melihat wajah gue yang rasanya sudah terlihat sangat.... bodoh.

"Orangtua saya asal Solo, tapi saya lahir di Jakarta, Pak.. Saya hanya bisa beberapa kata bahasa Jawa saja," kata gue malu-malu. (Maybe lebih tepatnya malu-maluin. Putri Solo macam apa gue, nama eyang masih ada R. A sama R. tapi ngomong bahasa Jawa belepotan).

"Bojo saya juga gitu. Orang Jawa, lahir dan tinggal di Jakarta, nggak bjsa bahasa Jawa tapi maksa ngomong Jawa. Jadi nggak ngerti bahasa kasar sama bahasa halus kalau ngomong sama mertua bagaimana," kata beliau memaklumi.

"Kamu belum kepikiran buat nikah, kan?"

"No, absolutely no," kata gue buru-buru. "I'm still too young."

And our deep conversation started..

"Bagus. Kejar dulu mimpi-mimpi kamu. Pacaran juga silahkan saja, tapi jangan sampai merusak kamu," kata beliau berapi-api. "Kamu harus cari cowok yang lebih tinggi dari pada kamu. Terus pas pacaran jangan cuma cari senengnya aja, tapi cari pacar yang bisa kamu ajak diskusi setiap hari, belajar bareng, omongin isu-isu di sekeliling kita.. anggap aja makan bareng sama ada yang perhatian itu cuma sebagai bonus."

I... was... speechless, actually. I wanted to scream, "OMG Sir, I don't even have someone special! I don't even have a boyfriend. Please stop torturing me by telling me love life. I am lonely, I know. I have feeling for someone, yes, but I don't want to think about it. Please stop making me like I need a boyfriend."

But I was just sat there quietly, listened to him. Once I nodded my head, once I politely smile.

"Saya tahu kamu cerdas, lho, apalagi postur dan wajah kamu itu mirip sama teman saya, orang Rusia. Dia itu tidak beragama, tapi dia itu orangnya tertib dan disiplin sekali. Malu saya sebagai seorang yang beragama bisa kalah sama orang Rusia. Dan mereka juga menghormati diri mereka sendiri.

Kamu juga harus bisa menjaga kehormatan kamu. Your pride is your virginity, once it gone... you have no pride. Pertahankan satu hal itu, jangan tergoda sama pergaulan di Jakarta. Nanti kalau udah ijab kabul, baru boleh. Terus honey moon nya naik haji.. seperti saya dulu. Indah banget rasanya...

Dulu waktu saya hidup di Amerika, pergaulan di sana benar-benar parah. And wearing hijab itu bukan jaminan kamu bakal terlihat benar, lho. Di sana juga banyak yang pake celana-celana pendek *maksudnya hotpants* tapi kelakuannya justru jauh lebih baik daripada yang muslim."

I got shocked when I heard him speaking in English. Fluently.

I thougt tentang temannya dia yang Rusia, hidup di Amerika, or bla bla bla lain yang beliau beri tahu ke gue itu... a big nonsense. Penampilan itu kan selalu jadi penilaian pertama seseorang terhadap kita, bukan? Dan dari penampilan beliau... honestly, he looks like a hobo. Seriously.

But I think he can read my mind and my judgement about him, so he showed me A LOT of photos of him through his cellphone. Foto sudah mampu mengatakan ribuan kata yang tidak terucap.

Memang benar, kita nggak boleh langsung mencap seseorang dari penampilannya.

He said he has a son who's still single and is still studying for his doctor degree, he said he loves playing golfs (he showed me the photos, of course, and what shocked me more was... he was playing golf with the vice president of Indonesia. It seems both are good friends).

I've learned a lot from him this noon.

Other than the love advice, other than the self-esteem advice, he made me realize that appearance is not everything, he was the most humble stranger that I've talked to.

So, thank you, Sir.

(One thing that keep haunting me is.... what is he, actually? What does he do for a living?

Well, I guess no one could tell except his family and God....)


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